It’s time for SHINE 2024 so that we can BE STRONG AND COURAGEOUS in 2024!
It has been another year of growth and transition at the Journey. Your sacrificial serving and giving have been a big part of the Journey fulfilling its mission this year. We’re excited to see what 2024 holds, especially as we focus on being strong and courageous in these challenging times. See below for your SHINE giving opportunities so that we can build and grow in 2024.
Any contributions received through December 31 will be included in your 2023 giving statements for tax purposes.
JOURNEY OPERATING FUND: Finish Well Goal — $25,000
Year-end giving to our Operating Fund insures 2023 ministry stability and a strong beginning to an exciting 2024.
Beautification of the Campus: Shine Goal — $6,000
Enable The Journey to continue our efforts to beautify our campus with items like updated signage and decorative furnishings for the building.
Landscaping: Shine Goal — $2,000
Enable The Journey to install landscaping treatments at our back entrance similar to those at our front entrance as well as replace/upgrade plants near the front parking lot.
Promo Video/Communication: Shine Goal — $2000
Enable The Journey to develop a promotional video that communicates our unique, welcoming environment and strong commitment to biblical teaching–to be used for our website and outreach communications.
Chase Anderson Benevolence Fund: Shine Goal — $5,000
These funds will provide financial assistance to individuals and families in crisis. Chase Anderson was a young man at The Journey that succumbed to a chronic illness in his early 20’s, but not before demonstrating a strong heart of benevolence for people in need. He continues to be a great example for us to follow.
How to get your Shine on:
1. Pray, Pray, Pray, to our God who owns it all. Ask Him to provide clarity and direction regarding your generosity.
2. Respond in obedience to His clarity and direction.
3. Enjoy the blessings of participating in God’s mission for His Church!
Shine 2024 Giving Instructions:
- Giving online for your Shine donation is convenient. Just review the instructions below and click on the “Give Online” button.
- You can also pay by check—just designate “Shine” in the memo line with the preferred option from above.

Online Giving Example
Step 1: Your first step is to login if you already have an account, especially if you have a saved credit card. Otherwise, just fill in the fields and continue to Step 2 illustrated below.

Step 2: Your next step is to select a designation of where you want your giving to apply. Look for each Shine category in the drop down list. You will need to include a credit card number if one is not already stored in your account.