Journey Men
Our hope is that all men at the Journey will be connected with each other, growing in our faith in Christ, and serving our church and community!
We have two main connecting points:
1) Saturday Morning. On Saturday mornings, we have our weekly Journey Men meeting and time around the firepit. All men are welcome to come hang out around the fire at 6:30 AM. Then we go inside for a time of study, sharing, and prayer in smaller groups. Feel free to just show up or sign up below!
2) Iron Men Groups. We also have several monthly men’s fellowship and prayer groups that meet in different locations, called Iron Men Groups. We seek to sharpen each other as iron sharpens iron and build friendships between men at the Journey.
Also, be on the look out for our annual spring men’s campout!
If you have any questions, please email, and Pastor Curt help get you connected in the men’s groups.

Journey Men’s Retreat 2024