Community Impact

Community Impact

There are a lot of opportunities to impact our community through Journey activities.  See a sample of opportunities below.

Destination Impact

Destination Impact is our vision for major capital improvements to our campus that will enable us to have a greater impact on our surrounding community. We are extremely thankful for the generosity of so many people who have given so far. We have a dedicated website that provides an overview of Destination Impact along with details about recent major campus improvements and upcoming improvements that are planned. Go to Destination Impact site We encourage you to consider giving to our…

Foster Family Ministry

Vision: Because of God’s compassion and commands regarding the “least of these”, The Journey will challenge every individual and family to sacrificially serve foster and kinship families. Background Did you know there are typically 250-300 foster children in Williamson County? James 1:27 tells us that God’s view of true Christianity is to look after these foster children and the families that care for them. At the Journey, we have the vision of having a big positive impact in every aspect…

Mother’s Day Out

Contact us:  (512)259-2380 Our 2024-2025 Program is currently full.   2025 – 2026 MDO Registration Early Bird Registration Fee Tuesday/Thursday: $ 150.00 Monday/Wednesday/Friday: $160.00 Monday – Friday: $ 210.00 Registration Fee after March 31, 2025 Tuesday/Thursday: $165.00 Monday/Wednesday/Friday: $175.00 Monday – Friday: $225.00 Tuition Rates for 2025-2026 School Year Tuesday/Thursday: $270.00 per month Monday/Wednesday/Friday: $370.00 per month Monday – Friday: $610.00 per month   Important MDO Links: Registration formMeet Our Directors24-25 Parent Handbook Parent DirectoryCurrent Monthly NEWSLETTER School Calendar…

Crisis Care

Journey Crisis Care Ministry When we face crises in life, the body of Christ is called to be the hands and feet of Jesus to support those in need. Journey Crisis Care Ministry will help us to care for one another and our neighbors in crisis. Ways You Can Help How could God use you to care for others?  You can help with: A meal train A ride Lawn care/home maintenance Hospital visit Service project Prayer More Info For details…

Kids Outdoor Zone

Boys Outdoor Adventure Ministry WHOA!  Did you know that the average kid today spends only 40 minutes a week outside? Meanwhile, they typically spend 70 hours a week looking at an electronic screen. Seems out of balance doesn’t it? ​ Well, at The Journey we have a great experience to help bring that into better balance. Kids Outdoor Zone (KOZ) enables men to mentor boys from 8-18 in outdoor activities and the Lord on a monthly basis. ​ No specialized…

Education Connection

I Want to Serve Education Connection Literacy Partners Education Connection is a movement that started here locally–a movement of churches serving Leander ISD.  School district leaders told local churches the best way to serve would be to help all children be able to read at the 3rd grade level by the end of the 3rd grade.  Students not achieving this goal are 4 times more likely to drop out of school before graduating from high school.  What an opportunity to…

Backpack Food Program

LISD Food Backpack Program The Journey is committed to providing meals for Leander ISD students and their families experiencing food insecurities by partnering with The Food Backpack program to provide meals and snacks for LISD families along with Christmas Food Boxes at the holiday season, Spring Break boxes, and Summer Fun bags. This logistics of the Food Backpack program also involves LISD’s 18+ Transition Services which helps disabled LISD young adults become more independent through delivery of these meals to…