Finding your place in church can be daunting.
This step-by-step guide will help you get connected at The Journey.
1) “Exploring The Journey” Lunch
Are you interested in joining us on The Journey? Join our Exploring the Journey lunch so that you can learn all about what we do and why we do it at the Journey. Lunch is provided, and you’ll be given a clear path on how to connect and to consider joining the church. Our hope is that everyone at the Journey will Gather, Connect, Serve, and Go, so reach out with any questions and we hope to get to know you more!
2) Join a Small Group
Being part of some type of Small Group is key to your experience on The Journey. Our small groups include our Journey Men group and our Women’s Bible Study group. This is where you can connect deeply with others, share life lessons and encourage one another to grow in your faith. This cannot be accomplished in a worship service with a lot of people but it can be achieved in person in a small group or through a virtual small group experience using Zoom for video calls.
3) Explore places to Serve
You can serve in a variety of areas God has gifted you and that make you come alive!
4) Get in the Loop
Sign up for email from The Journey to get updates on what is going on and what is coming up. You can figure out which activities you want to participate in and how you can impact our surrounding community.