Marriage Small Group
Format: 6:30 Dinner (provided) 7:15 Study start 7:45-8:30 Breakout groups Closing prayer Childcare: Provided with registration
Journey Wednesday
From 6:30-8pm, Journey Wednesday serves as a mid-week Bible based connection point for Journey Students and Journey Women. Journey Students have food/games/fellowship, biblical teaching, and small group discussion. Parents attending Journey Wednesday can also take advantage of care for their kids that includes play time and Bible oriented videos with follow-up discussion.
Foster Parent Night Out
Foster Parent Night Out 4th Friday Every Month 6:30pm-9:00pm
Journey Men – Saturday
Journey Men is focused on helping men on their quest for authentic, biblical manhood with a band of brothers. Through studies, discussion and activities we call men to the critical adventures God wants them to pursue. Join us on Saturday. Optional time to catch-up with each other at the Firepit between 6 – 7 AM.
Worship Services
Sunday Worship Service Join us for inspiring worship and practical messages: On-Campus Services at 9:30 and 11:00 AM and Online Live Stream at 9:30 AM on Facebook . Journey Kids and Preteens classes are only available at 9:30 AM. The worship and messages will help you in daily living!
Worship Service at 10AM
Sunday Worship Service Join us for inspiring worship and a practical message: Just 1 On-Campus Service at 10:00 AM and Online Live Stream on Facebook . The worship and messages will help you live the Life of True Adventure!
Journey Women Monthly Fellowship
Come meet with other women for Word-centered encouragement and Christ-Centered fellowship! Susan LaFevers and Maureen Swint will be hosting this group every 2nd Tuesday of the month at Susan La Fevers’ home in Cedar Park from 10:30 AM-12:00 PM. For more information, email .
Kids Outdoor Zone
Kids Outdoor Zone Second Saturday of Every Month KOZ is a youth outdoor adventure ministry for boys ages 8-18. At The Journey, our KOZ group participates in a variety of outdoor activities once per month. Mentors are provided with multiple opportunities to speak into the lives of the boys, while modeling Christian values. Lunch is always served. All boys are invited to participate! If you would like more information about KOZ, please email .
Seder Service
On April 13th from 6:00-7:30pm here on the Journey Campus, we will host a powerful, interactive experience led by Samuel Rood of Jews for Jesus that will illustrate the link between the Jewish feast of Passover and the last supper Jesus shared with His disciples. Have questions? Reach out to Paul at .