It’s time for SHINE and this year we are focused on our Future Foundations!
Each year, we have a SHINE year-end giving campaign. Typically, we identify areas in the church that need some extra giving. Our benevolence fund is one of those, but it is in a healthy place as people gave strongly to it last year and continue to give to it during the year. Thank you!
This year, we have announced that this year’s SHINE focus will be a soft launch of our Future Foundations Building Campaign. We ask that as the Lord has blessed you in 2024, that you would consider giving toward the down payment of this exciting moment in the story of the Journey. Let’s get this off to a good start!
Please continue giving generously to the general fund. We would like to hit our budget goal for the year, and November/December giving is crucial every year to hit it. We recommend that you don’t give to Future Foundations instead of giving to the general fund. Rather, if God has blessed you with an extra giving opportunity, or you really sense Him leading your heart, then please consider giving to Future Foundations. Above all, please pray and ask the Holy Spirit what He would like you to give to end the year.
As always, we’re here to answer your questions. Remember, God is on the throne, and he gives us “not a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-control.”
Any contributions received through December 31 will be included in your 2024 giving statements for tax purposes.
How to prepare for Shine:
1. Pray, Pray, Pray, to our God who owns it all. Ask Him to provide clarity and direction regarding your generosity.
2. Respond in obedience to His clarity and direction.
3. Enjoy the blessings of participating in God’s mission for His Church!
Shine: Future Foundations Giving Instructions
- Giving online for your Shine donation is convenient. Just review the instructions below and click on the “Give Online” button.
- You can also pay by check—just designate “Shine: Future Foundations” in the memo line.

Online Giving Example
Step 1: Your first step is to login if you already have an account, especially if you have a saved credit card. Otherwise, just fill in the fields and continue to Step 2 illustrated below.

Step 2: Your next step is to select a designation of where you want your giving to apply. Look for SHINE: FUTURE FOUNDATIONS in the drop down list. You will need to include a credit card number or an ACH link to your bank if one is not already stored in your account.