At the Journey, we are committed to preaching God’s word expositionally. This means most of our sermon series will be going through books of the Bible section by section. Our goal is to be as faithful to the Bible as possible. Check out some sermons below!
The 5th Commandment
The 4th message in our 10 commandment series. Listen to Mitch speak on the 5th Commandment.
A Rested Development – Exodus 20:8
The next chapter in our 10 commandment series. Listen to Jeremy’s conversation about the 4th Commandment, Remember the Sabbath day.
God’s Priority, Power, and Person
Message 2 in our 10 commandment series. Listen to Mitch speak on the first 3 Commandments.
The Ten: Dead or Alive?
An introduction to our 10 commandment series.