Journey Women

We have a few regular opportunities for women to grow and get connected during the year:
1) Bible Study: The main gathering for Journey Women is our Bible Study on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:00 PM. Through personal study, small group discussions, and large group teaching, we grow in our understanding and love for God together. Whether you are new or a pro at Bible Study, come join this beautiful community of women around the Word of God! Click the button below to find out more and join now.
2) Monthly Fellowship: We host a monthly Women’s Fellowship on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at Susan LaFevers’ home in Cedar Park, from 10:30 AM-12:00 PM. Come meet other women from the church for Word-Centered encouragement and Christ-centered fellowship. For details, please email
3) One-to-One Discipleship: If you would like to meet regularly with another woman for discipleship, please fill out this form HERE.
Journey Women hosts a few special events throughout the year that help us to grow in our love for Christ and one another. Some past events have included: Women’s Conference, Spring Tea, Summer Pool Party, and A Journey Women Christmas. Please check the Events Calendar HERE for upcoming events. Also, check out the Journey Women FaceBook page HERE for announcements and to stay connected.