Global Missions

Global Missions

Jesus called us to go and make disciples of all nations. As we have been blessed with so many resources at The Journey, we want to extend the blessing of the gospel to places where few people have heard the good news. Our global missions partners are doing exactly that. See below to get to know some of our partners and how The Journey is making an impact around the globe.
  • Brandon & Brittney Lingle: Church planting in Thailand with the North Bangkok Church.


  • J&R: Serving with an unreached people group in SE Asia.


  • D&H:  Working on a Bible translation project with an unreached people group in North Africa.


  • Luis & Julia Anil: Serving in outreach in a mountainous region of the Dominican Republic.


  • S & A: serving with an unreached people group in SE Asia


  • Orchard Africa: Caring for orphans and the vulnerable in South Africa. You can learn more HERE.


  • Mission of Hope: Mission of Hope is based in Cedar Park. They are partnering with local ministries all across Haiti and Dominican Republic to spread the gospel and help build up the people there. You can learn more HERE.


  • Coffee By Team Hope: We serve Coffee by Team Hope on Sunday mornings to help provide for their ministry and partner with farmers in Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and Guatemala. You can learn more and order coffee HERE.