
We give generously because God first gave, MOST generously (John 3:16). Because of your generous financial gifts, our ministries are able to thrive and make a greater impact for the kingdom of Jesus Christ.
Online Giving
Giving online is convenient — it enables you to give one time or set up a recurring gift. This helps make giving at The Journey more stable. Just review the instructions below and click on the “Give Online” button.
NOTE: If you need to register for an event, please see “Register for Event” under the “Events” website heading.
Online Giving Example with Planning Center
Step 1: Your first step is to login if you already have an account, especially if you have saved payment information. Otherwise, just fill in the fields and continue to Step 2 illustrated below.
Step 2: Your next step is to select a designation of where you want your giving to apply. You also need to include payment information if it is not already stored in your account. NOTE: Planning Center provides very inexpensive ACH/Online Check processing fees of only 30 cents per transaction.