LISD Food Backpack Program
The Journey is committed to providing meals for Leander ISD students and their families experiencing food insecurities by partnering with The Food Backpack program to provide meals and snacks for LISD families along with Christmas Food Boxes at the holiday season, Spring Break boxes, and Summer Fun bags.
This logistics of the Food Backpack program also involves LISD’s 18+ Transition Services which helps disabled LISD young adults become more independent through delivery of these meals to LISD families along with efforts to plan meals, understand nutrition, perform team work, and live out the value of giving to their community.
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in….” Matthew 25:35
How You Can Help
You can join in the monthly efforts to enable food delivery. Click HERE to find out more.